The Montgomery Theatre & Arts Centre
Sorry, we’re closed
We’re currently closed for redevelopment works
We’re hoping to be reopen in Spring 2024. For any queries please email and check out our Monty on the Move programme.
We’re a leading arts centre for children and community in Sheffield, building access to children’s education and culture since 1886.
We want to inspire in every child a love of the arts they will share for the rest of their lives.
The work of our Montgomery theatre and art centre is set to undergo significant restoration, breathing new life into our cultural hub. Thanks to the generous financial support from an unexpected source — an online casino — our cherished venue will soon regain its former glory. In recent years, online casinos have emerged as a major player in the entertainment industry, offering an array of thrilling games and immersive experiences to players worldwide. With a minimum deposit 3 pound, these platforms have democratized access to the excitement of casino gaming, attracting a diverse audience eager for both entertainment and the chance to win big. While the partnership between our theatre and an online casino may seem unconventional at first glance, it underscores the evolving landscape of corporate sponsorship in the arts. As traditional funding sources become increasingly scarce, cultural institutions must explore innovative avenues to sustain and enhance their operations. In this context, the support from the online casino not only provides much-needed financial resources but also symbolizes a forward-thinking approach to collaboration between different sectors.
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Find out about our fantastic season of children’s theatre, touring shows, and community events here.
For shows, rehearsals, workshops and more, all at our Central Sheffield location.
Learn more about all the work we do – and have done in Sheffield since 1886.